Mapping big data in the pharma landscape

Be in touch

The CytoReason platform integrates different types of data from various diseases, treatments, and patient groups. With a unified standard and a common language for all our disease models, you can easily upload your own data, ask questions across treatments and compare assets across different indications and patient populations.


Get layers of precomputed data

Whether you want to look at bulk or single-cell data. It’s all integrated inside the platform. You can also investigate your own data in a secure, private cloud – your assets, your patients, your biological research.

Access dozens of disease models

Asthma and IBD, Systemic Sclerosis and Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis, lung and breast cancer.

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Mask Group 10

Test multiple use cases

In each model you can validate potential targets, prioritize treatments, and stratify patients. Essentially, you can use the platform to match the right drug to the right patient.

Answer critical questions

"What other diseases are relevant for the drug I developed?”
"Which other patients might benefit most from my drug?”
"How does my drug compare to SoC drugs in a given disease?"
Mask Group 13

One standard to compare your asset across different diseases, 
drugs, and patient groups


Identify new opportunities


Increase trial success rate


Shorten development cycles

Save Time

Save major time and resources

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